Dr Clara Gibson
Dr. Clara Gibson joined the expatdental® team after practising in both London and Ireland. She qualified as a dentist from Trinity College, Dublin, achieving the highest exam result over the 5-year course. Following general practice and oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital positions, Clara completed a three-year orthodontic programme at the Eastman Dental Hospital, London, achieving a Masters in Orthodontics. She was awarded the SP Jones first prize award for her masters research.
After two years of subsequent training, she was awarded a fellowship in dental surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, England. Dr. Gibson worked as a consultant at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, London, with her clinical practice focused on cleft palate and surgical cases. She has a wealth of experience in the provision of all types of orthodontic treatments, including lingual invisible braces, Invisalign aligners, and ceramic braces.
Dr. Clara is not registered as an Orthodontist with the SDC.
- Bachelor of Dental Science, Trinity College, Dublin
- Bachelor of Arts, Trinity College, Dublin
- Masters in Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics), University College, London, UK
- Fellowship in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, England, UK
- Association of Orthodontists, Singapore
- British Orthodontic Society, UK
- Singapore Dental Association
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Clear aligners/Invisalign
- Braces
- Lingual braces
- Ceramic braces
- Orthonathic surgery
- Treatment for routine orthodontics to complex cleft palate and surgical cases
- Dublin, Ireland
- English
- Irish
- French
- Spanish
- Enjoys keeping active
- Running
- Horse riding
- X linked hypophosphatemic rickets: orthodontic considerations and management. A case report. Journal of Orthodontics 2021 Aug 18
- Craniofacial microsomia – aetiology, classification and clinical features. Part 1. Orthodontic Update 2022. 15:3, 143-147
- Craniofacial microsomia – management and outcomes. Part 2. Orthodontic Update 2022. 15:4, 183-192
- SHORT Syndrome: Systematic Appraisal of the Medical and Dental Phenotype. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal 2021 July
- Unilateral intrusion in a medically complex patient using an orthodontic mini-implant: a case report. Journal
of Orthodontics 2021; Feb 23 - Assessment of facial asymmetry in orthognathic patients: tailored to orthodontic nurses and therapists.
Orthodontic National Group News 2020 - Assessment of facial asymmetry in orthognathic patients. Orthodontic Update 2019; 12: 29-31
- Patient experience of dental treatment under general anaesthesia. British Society of Paediatric Dentistry
Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin. 2015 Volume 25(2) - Micrognathia- an unusual presentation of Group B Streptococcal infection International Trainee Journal of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2014;4 (1):8-11 - Use of polydioxanone sheet to repair palatal fistulas in patients with cleft palate. British Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery 2012 June 30th